I’m Gabriele Carbonai

I’m a Full stack Developer.

I’m a WordPress Developer.

I’m a Designer.


Freelance full stack developer based in Brno, Czech Republic.

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About Me

Know Me More

I’m Gabriele Carbonai, a Fullstack Developer

The work I do for me is fun and passion. Every day I try to improve myself with continuous study and I have a strong sense of innovation, always trying to pay attention to every detail and to keep the code clean and well documented. Thanks to the coordination of multiple projects, this allowed me to develop good problem solving skills.

Furthermore, frequent contacts with companies have allowed me to improve my approach by orienting it strongly to the customer and to make my efforts aimed at obtaining specific results more targeted.

I believe that my current experience and the skills gained can be applied to meet any need.

  • Name:Gabriele Carbonai
  • Job:Full stack developer
  • Email:gabriele@carbonai.it
  • From:Milan, Italy
  • Based:Brno, Czech Republic
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What I Do?



My Experience

May 2013 – in progress

Full stack senior web developer


As a full stack developer, I create websites and mobile applications for web agencies and plugins for both WordPress and WooCommerce, as well as graphic themes in html, css and javascript.

2010 – May 2013

IOS applications and games


These are the years when I had a lot of fun making apps and games for Apple. I created several and uploaded to the app store, learning new programming languages such as objective-c and cocos2d.


2010 – May 2013

Full stack junior web developer


Before becoming a freelancer I learned the trade working for various agencies around Milan. I had the pleasure of meeting several more experienced programmers and learning the tricks of the trade from them.

2005 – 2010

web agency


My first experiences, I thought it was a lot easier but I soon found that I would have to fend for myself in the intriguing world of business. This experience has made me grow and taught me how to treat and please customers.

My Skills

PHP 95%

Yii framework 90%

HTML 5 99%

Bootstrap 99%

jQuery 90%

WordPress 99%

Git 90%

MySql 80%

Web Design 99%

CSS 3 99%

JavaScript 80%

React JS 70%

WooCommerce 95%

Bash 85%


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